Mixer + Shroud + Ninja

Check Ninja's switch to Mixer details
Concurrent Viewers Dynamic
Shroud vs Ninja Viewership Comparison

For the last two weeks Shroud's viewership share on the whole Mixer streaming platform was %, while Ninja attracted % of viewers.

Avg. concur. viewers (28 days)
Hours streamed (28 days)
Hours watched (28 days)
Viewers attracted (total)
Followers (total)
Peak concur. viewers (ever)
Platform Stats
Mixer performance (28 days)
Average concurrent viewers
Peak concurrent viewers
Average concurrent live streams
Twitch performance (28 days)
Average concurrent viewers
Peak concurrent viewers
Average concurrent live streams
Live streams dynamic
Number of Live Viewers Comparison
Number of Live Streams Comparison

Overall, Mixer's concurrent viewer base is 269 times smaller than that of Twitch.

As can be seen on the charts, the proportion of concurrent streams and viewers that watch them on Mixer differ from the Twitch's one. For every live channel on Mixer there are only 3.5 viewers, when Twitch streamer can count on 21.8 viewers. However, Twitch has massive esports channels that pull a huge portion of its audience.